Tijdens de BioArt Week in Pakhuis Dekker kunt u zich laten verwonderen door de kunsttentoonstelling ‘BioArt, a vision on biotech’ en zich laten informeren over de laatste ontwikkelingen op het gebied van biotechnologie bij de trendpresentaties. Mis het niet!
Castricum, Seaweed an Algae Art
Paintings made of Algae. The media on these paintings are made of algae. I have used roasted red seaweed (Nori), bladderwrack and Phytoplanktonic algae from a pond and saltwater Spirulina algae. I have harvested the bladderwrack from the beach of
Upcoming: BioArt Expo at Kunststation Delden
BioArt Expo KunstFietsRoute Castricum
‘Nicole Spit exposeert met BioArt in de mooie ruimte aan de Dorpsstraat 23, bij de Kunstfietsroute Castricum. Met haar BioArt reflecteert kunstenaar Nicole Spit (DesignStudio Dáárheen) op de toekomst van de BioTechnologie. Met diverse speculatieve BioArt objecten geeft zij een
Articles about the BioArt projects
Tijdens de BioArt week (2018) in Pakhuis Dekker in Heiloo, waren de tentoonstellingen ‘BioArt, a vision on biotech’ en ‘NeoBio’, van Nicole Spit (DesignStudio Dáárheen) te zien. During the ‘kunstfietsroute Castricum 2016’ on the 4th and 5th of June I
BioArt, a vision on biotech
“BioTronicols”, BioTech projects WindowSnail and BioWatch
BIOTRONICOLS ‘BioTronicols‘ is the name chosen by me for products which merge electronics with living cells. What if the leading company`s of the future could provide us with products which merge organisms with (bio-)technology? What will the products look like?
BioArt teaser
You can see the BioTech projects this spring already at the ‘Kunstfietsroute Castricum’ at the 4th and the 5th of june. BioArt at the Kunstfietsroute Castricum