Artist N Spit of Studio Daarheen is a member of KunstenaarsCentrumBergen KCB in Bergen

Proud to announce that I became a member of the KunstenaarsCentrumBergen in April 2024. (KCB)
The KCB is embedded in a long, beautiful tradition, but also with several sparkling new ventures. To stay in the spring mood. I hope to be a unique addition to the KCB, with my speculative design and vision of the future artworks.

On Sunday, May 5 at 5:00 PM, the opening of the exhibition ‘Hitchhiking’, in which I am participating, will take place.

And in January 2025, I will participate in the KCB’s ‘Salon of New Members’. (Still a long way off, but there are still activities planned this year)
The Bergen Artists Center is located on the first floor of Museum Kranenburgh. The KCB is a foundation for professional artists in the painting village of Bergen and organizes changing exhibitions for its members and guests throughout the year and has around 200 members. – Nicole Spit – Studio Dáárheen

 KunstenaarsCentrumBergen | KCB
in culturele buitenplaats Kranenburgh, 1e verdieping
Hoflaan 26
1861 CR  Bergen NH

Member of Kunstenaars Centrum Bergen (KCB)
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