ARTstudioDáárheen is een extra initiatief van Design StudioDáárheen.

Toekomstvisies, speculatief design, ‘Wat als?’, -vragen, onderzoek en verwondering voor wetenschappelijke innovaties en ontwikkelingen in de samenleving zijn het uitgangspunt.

EN |   ARTstudio Dáárheen is an additional initiative from DesignStudio Dáárheen. Future visions, speculative design, ‘What if?’ -questions, research and wonder about scienctific  developments and  shifts in the society, are the starting point.

‘Digital Tree Monument’ at the Open Monument Days in September.

Previous: Group exhibition ‘Meeliften’ at KunstenaarsCentrumBergen in Museum Kranenburgh

Previous: Duo-Exhibition Nicole Spit & Eveline Mooibroek, June 1th an 2nd 2024 at the Artroute Castricum – Stop 16

Duo-exhibition artists Nicole Spit and Eveline Mooibroek at the art route Castricum. Kunstfietsroute 2024

Previous exhibition: August 5 until October 22 2023 groupexhibition ‘Digestible’ at artcenter Artphy in Onstwedde (Gr.)

Previous exhibition : June 3 and 4 – Duo exhibition Nicole Spit and Eveline Mooibroek at the Art Route Castricum 2023

Invitation to the duo-exhibition of Nicole Spit and Eveline Mooibroek at the Art Route Castricum 2023. Kunstfietsroute Castricum

Previous exhibition : December 11 2022 until Februari 1 2023 solo exhibition ‘Digital Tree Monument’ in Castricum.

Digitaal bomenmonument
Digitaal bomenmonument van Nicole Spit