TextButterfly. With CRISPR/Cas genome editing it is now possible to alter the pigmentation of butterfly wings. This is achieved by altering the genome of the butterfly, with the result from knockout of the melanin pigmentation. What if the technique would
Jellyfish in the Fairytail garden at the ‘Tuin van Kapitein Rommel
Selection of Jellyfish in the ‘Tuin van Kapitein Rommel’ in Castricum. Commisioned work by Artkid. Made by Nicole Spit from Art.studio Dáárheen 2018. 22- juli – 26 juli 2018, 09.30- 16.30 uur Tuin van Kapitein Rommel in Castricum
Kunstfietsroute Castricum 2018
Tijdens de Kunstfietsroute Castricum 2018 zijn ook werken uit de tentoonstelling ‘NeoBio’ van Nicole Spit te zien in de binnenruimte van de ‘Tuin van kapitein Rommel’. In de spin-off van haar vorige BioArt tentoonstelling, heeft ze nu collageschilderijen (mixed media, waarbij
Nominated for PRIMER18
ENG. | The exhibition jury of PRIMER18 (Conference for Design, Strategy & Future, organized by Design Futures) has nominated my projects: ‘BioTronicols’ and ‘TeethMussel’, for the PRIMER 18 Emerging Designer Exhibition. My project is one of the nominees chosen from
BioArt Book
BioArt book. The book of the BioArt projects by Nicole Spit, 28 pages, full colour, 21 x 21cm, edition 2016. (Updated version see ‘NeoBio’ 2018 ) Het boek met de BioArt projecten, 28pagina`s, full colour, 21x21cm. editie 2016. (Updated version
Unknown BioTronicol
Unknown BioTronicol What if gene-hacking and making biotronicols would be so easy, it could be made by everyone? What if there would be genetic modified animals and no one knows who created them? And for what purposes would they be
Biotronicol, Living Camera
Biotronicol, ‘Living Camera’. GMO (Genetic Modified Organism) created for security. BioArt, in this case the artwork comments on the possibilities of creating a new commercial product through the use of living tissue and DNA function codes from different animals. ‘The
Jewelry. BioArt. Seaweed necklaces, made of real bladderwrack (impregnated), found at the beach of Castricum. Made by Studio Dáárheen.
BioArt teaser
You can see the BioTech projects this spring already at the ‘Kunstfietsroute Castricum’ at the 4th and the 5th of june. BioArt at the Kunstfietsroute Castricum
See also the article by Author Wieke Betten, Waag Society, ‘Bioprints and Biotattoos’