De expo ‘NeoBio, the influence of biotech on productdesign’ on the Dutch Design Week. At ‘Manifestations 2018‘, curated by Viola van Alphen. Displayed in beautiful pedestals and glass displayboxes by RENZEZ. Nicole Spit from Studio Dáárheen is concerned with trends
Deelnemer aan groepstentoonstelling ‘COLLAGE’ bij Pakhuis Dekker
De groepstentoonstelling ‘COLLAGE’ was van 22-6 t/m 24-6 2018. Voor een indruk verwijs ik naar mijn instagram account via deze link ‘Collagiste en curator Nicola Kloosterman stelde de boeiende expositie COLLAGE samen die van vrijdag 22 t/m zondag 24 juni
Nominated for PRIMER18
ENG. | The exhibition jury of PRIMER18 (Conference for Design, Strategy & Future, organized by Design Futures) has nominated my projects: ‘BioTronicols’ and ‘TeethMussel’, for the PRIMER 18 Emerging Designer Exhibition. My project is one of the nominees chosen from
Biotronicol, Living Camera
Biotronicol, ‘Living Camera’. GMO (Genetic Modified Organism) created for security. BioArt, in this case the artwork comments on the possibilities of creating a new commercial product through the use of living tissue and DNA function codes from different animals. ‘The
“BioTronicols”, BioTech projects WindowSnail and BioWatch
BIOTRONICOLS ‘BioTronicols‘ is the name chosen by me for products which merge electronics with living cells. What if the leading company`s of the future could provide us with products which merge organisms with (bio-)technology? What will the products look like?