BIOTRONICOLS ‘BioTronicols‘ is the name chosen by me for products which merge electronics with living cells. Living electronic devices. Living cells growing over and in a shell and PCB. The cells and the electronical parts communicate with each other. The
Start of a Biotronicol
Start of a growing BioTronicol The start of a Biotronicol*. The living cells begin to grow over the electronic component. *‘BioTronicols‘ is the name chosen by me for products which merge electronics with living cells The Biotronicols were also
“BioTronicols”, BioTech projects WindowSnail and BioWatch
BIOTRONICOLS ‘BioTronicols‘ is the name chosen by me for products which merge electronics with living cells. What if the leading company`s of the future could provide us with products which merge organisms with (bio-)technology? What will the products look like?