‘WonderWaar’ collection, tableware. Plate and Sugar bowl with handpainted illustrations. Every day a story at your table. By Artstudio Dáárheen.
Tablerunner WonderWaar
WYSIWYG by Artstudio Dáárheen
Implanted diamond
Implanted Diamond.
EN | THE FUTURE of commercial jewelry design and body decoration:
‘I believe that in the future the integration of plastic surgery into the aesthetics of the jewelery industry is becoming increasingly important.
Plastic surgery to adapt the body to a traditional beauty ideal has already become mainstream.
Slowly we see a shift towards a more artificial beaty ideal. Instead of body shaping and embellishment, body improvement as a status symbol will become more important.
Biotechnology and the use of implanted bioelectronics will play an important role in this. Smart tattoos and implanted nano chips are a precursor to one design direction that may seem absurd to us now.
Cyborgism will also become mainstream in the future. In the design direction, in my opnion it should go further and further away from the leading form language in the game industry, but rather a more subtle minimalist design language. Whereby it is still important that the body improvement is visible, to increase the status. Perhaps clarified by a signature like a small subtle form piece of metal, a contrasting skin discoloration or a dotty tattoo.
The next step is a market for body improvement through DNA improvement or tissue implantation. Because I suspect that with the successor of our current techniques for DNA manipulation (such as CRISPR-Cas) we can achieve much more in the field of tissue implantation and will be able to consciously set up the functions of cells and even to program them, there will be many innovative possibilities. Maybe it is possible to implant part of a dog’s olfactory system for a better sense of smell, or a piece of extra sensitive skin for a better sense of touch. Again, I think it should be clearly visible that it is a body-improving operation has taken place with a characteristic of the signature of the commercial party. Or a choroplast biotattoo that is not broken down by sunlight and that can give us extra oxygen by photosynthetic reactions in the skin. A partially green face can therefore work as a status symbol. Absurd? Time will tell.’ – Nicole Spit, Studio Dáárheen 2015 |
Implanted diamond. It can be placed on an abrasion between the collarbones and the diamond will be incorporated by the new grown dermislayer.
KOM dichterbij, Residue
Nu de dierbare zich ongewild van ons verwijdert, is het onze taak weer dichterbij te komen. Kom ook letterlijk dichterbij. Door op korte afstand met de persoon te communiceren er vlak naast te gaan zitten, de persoon echt aan te kijken en af en toe aan te raken. Was een korte knuffel of een snelle handdruk de gewoonte, probeer dan nu net wat langer de hand vast te houden of door een knuffel van een paar seconden te geven.
Het gaat niet meer om beleefdheid, maar om echt menselijk contact, echte aandacht.
Bevestig daarmee hun bestaan. Zie ze.
‘KOM in hun wereld’ is een project over dementie. In een aan tal kunstobjecten met titels die de kijker aanzetten tot bewustwording over hoe je om kan gaan met iemand met dementie.

‘WonderWaar’, Tableware
book ‘Dáárheen’
Award for capable political leaders.
Het zout bedekt een kwart van de strepen. ‘Je strepen verdienen’. Het overig deel van de strepen dient nog verdiend te worden.
Onderscheiding voor bekwame politici.
Als aanmoediging voor politici op een kwart van hun ambtstermijn.
koper, glas, zout – 75x25x4mm
Award for capable political leaders.
Rewarded as an incentive prize at a quarter of their term of office.
Copper, glass, salt – 75x25x4mm
Ring XX
Mourning soap
Mourning soap.
Washing your hands with the soap will bring you closer to the person you miss. The contemplative ritual can help in the mourning process.