Articles about the BioArt projects

Studio Daarheen's BioTronicols in designbook 'Do it Ourselves' by Jeroen Junte
Studio Daarheen’s BioTronicols in designbook ‘Do it Ourselves’ by Jeroen Junte

Tijdens de BioArt week (2018) in Pakhuis Dekker in Heiloo, waren de tentoonstellingen ‘BioArt, a vision on biotech’ en ‘NeoBio’, van Nicole Spit (DesignStudio Dáárheen) te zien.

artikel in NoordHollands Dagblad over de BioArt tentoonstelling van Nicole Spit in 2018
artikel in NoordHollands Dagblad zaterdag 31 maart 2018

During the ‘kunstfietsroute Castricum 2016’ on the 4th and 5th of June I will present the BioArt objects which reflect on the future of biotechnology. And on sunday the 5th I will also give a short presentation on BioArt and BioTech.

Artikel over futuristische BioArt van kunstenaar Nicole Spit (foto: Coen Mandjes) in NoordHollands Dagblad van 25052016
Artikel over de BioArt projecten van Nicole Spit in het NoordHollands Dagblad van 26 mei 2016
Artikel in de pers over BioArt projecten door kunstenaar Nicole Spit
artikel over BioArt projecten tijdens de kunstfietsroute door kunstenaar Nicole Spit in Castricum

De tentoonstelling ‘BioArt, a vision on biotech’ was ook te zien in KunstStation Delden

BioArt in Nieuws uit Delden
BioArt in Nieuws uit Delden

GMO with BioTattoo


This is an example of a smart tattoo. If sea slugs can steal chloroplasts from algae for functional photosynthesis, why can’t we? Could we use chloroplast tattoo`s to reduce costs on food? Or simply as a lifestyleproduct? What would it look like if it would be used in commercial GMO ‘products’. The organism is altered with CRISPR-Cas and is tattooed with a choroplast BioTattoo, wich provides extra energy.


BioTattoo, chloroplast Tattoo, photosynthesis

GMO with chloroplast BioTattoo by designer Nicole SpitGMO with BioTattoo.

(‘Manufacturer: Vancouver TechTransit. Genecombinationcode: Neutral03Har54Dog568Pole33Tur2. Protocol: N-AM4 Rev 968.Usage: field exploration , research’)

This is an example of a genetic modified organism with a smart tattoo. A herd of these animals could be used to explore harsh environments. The tattoocode can be read from a distance, for example from a helicopter or a drone.


Unknown BioTronicol

Unknown BioTronicol

GMO, biotronicol, BioArt

What if gene-hacking and making biotronicols would be so easy, it could be made by everyone? What if there would be genetic modified animals and no one knows who created them? And for what purposes would they be used?

What if hybrid viruses were developped, with the aim of changing both the binary digital code and the DNA code of Biotronicols? What if your biotronicol was going to mold or rot? Is six base DNA perhaps even more vulnerable? Could DNA switches be turned on and off? Could spyware be pre embedded in biotronicols which are ready to be sold? What if you put biotronicols from two different manufacturers close next to each other? Is a biotronicol a living being with consciousness or could it develop one?

Organ printing

Organ Printing

organ 3d printing bioprinting artstudio daarheen
organ printing

printed organsprinted organs printed earEar. New grown. Skin. Printed cells grow over a structure. The beginning of a new ear. Cartilage. Tissue with electrical circuit.

We can print ears and small organs, but can we also print brain tissue?
Scientists in Australia have created brain-like tissue in the lab using a 3D printer and special bio-ink made from stem cells. (Advances healthcare materials Issue online:6 September 2017)

The research takes us a step closer to making replacement brain tissue derived from a patient’s own skin or blood cells to help treat conditions such as brain injury, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy and schizophrenia.
One of the challenges of using iPSCs (human induced pluripotent stem cells), is that, like embryonic stem cells, they have the potential to develop into teratomas — disturbing looking tumours that contain more than one type of tissue type (think toenails growing in brain tissue, or teeth growing in ovary tissue…).

GMO, LabRat

GMO, testmodel, ethicsGMO LabRat. Used as a testmodel for research. With the CRISPR/Cas9 method for targeted genome editing we can change the rats DNA. Is it still a rat? Is it ethical to use an animal just for testing different combinations of DNA codes implanted in a rat genome?

Biotronicol, Living Camera

Biotronicol bioart GMO

Biotronicol, ‘Living Camera’. GMO (Genetic Modified Organism) created for security. BioArt, in this case the artwork comments on the possibilities of creating a new commercial product through the use of living tissue and DNA function codes from different animals.

‘The ‘Living camera’ has several sensors which are retrieved from the DNA code from different species. The Biotronicol, ‘Living camera’, manufactured by the fictional European company ‘Living electronics inc.’ is allready the 16th revision of the first model. It can be charged by placing it in a bowl of nutricious gell, which it can take in through small openings in the soles of its’ feet. The Living camera can be placed in every suitable place in the room and this model can be plugged in to other devices. It has very sensitive bio-sensors, who will warn you and it can even recognize your friends.’

Biotronicol inside living camera bioart GMO. By designer Nicole Spit

*The Biotronicols were also exhibited in the expo ‘NEOBIO, a vision on the influence of biotech on productdesign’ at Manifestations on the Dutch Design Week 2018

The ‘living camera‘ – ‘Biotronicols’ is also featured on page 256, in the chapter ‘Beyond green’, in the book ‘Do it ourselves, a new mentality in Dutch design’ – Author J. Junte – na010 ‘A collection of speculative products that question the use of biotechnology in products. What will these future products look like when tech companies start to implement innovations in DNA manipulation?…’

biotronicol, bioart, GMO, future

‘BioTronicols’, Living products


BioTronicols‘ is the name chosen by me for products which merge electronics with living cells.

Living electronic devices. Living cells growing over and in a shell and PCB. The cells and the electronical parts communicate with each other. The product gives haptical feedback and needs to be touched. It can be charged by putting it in a bowl of nutricious gel, wich it obtains through its gills at the backside. It can also communicate with other living products out of the same range, with a cord

* Manufacturer :’Mei-Kyon living products’ Asian protocol : As2-Rev12, Genecombinationcode : Neutral(JVCI-syn7)05Pi66Sna5Bat98, Usage :Game, Lifestyle.

BioTronicols Artstudio DaarheenBioTronicols Living productsbiotech project, living electronics

Now that we all have our smartphones with touchscreens, we get almost no haptical feedback. As a response to what we are lacking, tactility will become more and more important. In these living electronical products, ‘Biotronicols’, the skin of the products is the important tactile factor. It can feel warm or cold, soft or with bumps, there are even hairs growing out of the buttons. They can be charged by putting them in a bowl of nutricious gel, wich they obtain through their gills. Maybe you can feel a hartbeat…

The Biotronicols were also exhibited in the expo ‘NEOBIO, a vision on the influence of biotech on productdesign’ at Manifestations on the Dutch Design Week 2018