Art Studio Dáárheen
NL | ARTstudio Dáárheen is opgericht door designer en kunstenaar Nicole Spit. (Design Academy Eindhoven en Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht, HKU)
‘Bij Art Studio Dáárheen (zusterplatform van Design Studio Dáárheen) zet ik opvallende bevindingen of zaken die mij verwonderen uit mijn (trend-) research om in speculatief design en kunstobjecten, met als doel meer bewustwording over een bepaald thema.
Een terugkerend thema in mijn werk is de, door mens aangepaste natuur. De tegenstelling van het biologische en het synthetische.
In mijn werk laat ik mij onder andere, inspireren door de fascinerende wereld van de biotechnologie, waarin de ontwikkelingen razend hard gaan. Hoewel biotechnologie en speculatief design altijd al mijn interesse hadden, werd ik in 2015, bij onderzoek naar een belangrijke trendontwikkeling voor de toekomst, gegrepen door de concrete nieuwe mogelijkheden in de biotechnologie. (zoals door CRISPR-Cas9, een DNA modifcatie techniek) Daarna heb ik onder andere bij de Waag Society in Amsterdam, meer kennis opgedaan over het onderwerp en zelf in het open WetLab gewerkt voor meer inzicht. De mogelijkheden van de maakbare en aan te passen natuur zijn tot nu toe een bron van inspiratie gebleven.’ | Nicole Spit 2024
A recurring theme in my work is modified nature. The contradiction of the biological and the synthetic.
In my work, I am, among other themes, inspired by the fascinating world of biotechnology, in which the developments are going extremely fast. Although biotechnology and speculative design have always been my interest, in 2015, when I was researching an important trend development for the future, I was intrigued by the concrete new possibilities in biotechnology. (such as through CRISPR-Cas9, a DNA modification technique) After that, among other things, I gained more knowledge about the subject at the Waag Society in Amsterdam and worked in the open WetLab for more insight. The possibilities of manageable and adaptable nature have so far remained a source of inspiration. ” | Nicole Spit 2024
Ik sta open voor samenwerking met andere designers, kunstenaars, wetenschappers, musea en educatieve instellingen.
Neem gerust contact met me op.
EN | I am open to collaboration with other designers, artists, scientists, museums and educational institutions. Please contact me at,
*Note: I get a lot of requests for intern positions. I am sorry, but I have no room for interns right now.
Exhibitions :
12 January / 2 March 2025 – Group exhibition ‘Salon van de nieuwe leden’ , with my project ‘Organoids’ at KunstenaarsCentrumBergen in Bergen.
17 november / January 5 2024 – Group exhibition ‘Kunst-Kado’ in KunstenaarsCentrumBergen in Bergen (NH)
1 November / 2 November 2024 – Group exhibition ‘Metempsychosis‘ presented by Sylia in Berlin. (Germany)
14 September / 15 September 2024 – My project ‘Digital Tree Monument’ at Open Monument Day in Hof van Kijk-Uit in Castricum.
1 June/ 2 June 2024 – Duo exhibition ‘Kom Dichterbij’ together with artist Eveline Mooibroek in the artist space of Eveline in Castricum.
5 August / 22 October 2023 – Group exhibition ‘Digestible’ (‘Verteerbaar’) at artcenter Artphy in Groningen. This special group exhibition, dedicated to the protein transition, presents new works by national and international artists; Anna Dumitriu, Ana Kun/Dan Perjovschi, Marc Bijl, Mitzi Schreuder, Dasha Tsapenko, Nicole Spit, Maro Pebo, Danielle van Vree, Špela Petrič and Domenique Himmelsbach de Vries.
3 june/4 june 2023 – Duo exhibition with Eveline Mooibroek. This duo exhibition results in an interesting meeting in which they look for common ground in their work, both visually and in terms of content.
11 december/11 januari 2023 – Kunstproject ‘Digitaal Bomen Monument’, at Huize Koningsbosch Art project funded by the municipality of Castricum. As one of three artists selected for a funded art project to create their own (solo) exhibition. ( see also WP page digitaalbomenmonument)
12 and 13 October 2022. Part of the Society5.0festival. ‘Bedroom sessions, nature RE-imagined’, with prequel of Digital Tree Monument and NeoBio. Groupexhibition by Speculative Futures Amsterdam. Amsterdam University of applied science, HVA and Digital Society School.
12 October 2021 – invited by Floriama Candea for ‘Fusion Talks conference’ in ‘Who makes art and science?’ of the Qolony Association, Bucharest
6-September/25 September 2021 – ‘Oase der Muzen’. Groupexhibition at the ‘Tuin van Kapitein Rommel’ in Castricum.
3-Juli/16 August 2020 – CEK Castricumse Etalage Kunst. Art drawings.
13-October 2019 – ‘Neobio objects’ at the changemakersfestival at the Cube Design Museum in Kerkrade.
1 -June-2019/2-June-2019 – Kunstfietsroute Castricum. Groupexhibition as participant of the ‘Landartgroup De Fenix’, with project ‘Woud’. (’Forest’)
3-March-2019/15-May-2019 – Kunststation Delden. Groepexhibition Z.A.T. Souvenirs (Euregio Tandem project). Participated with ‘MMRY Synthesizer Set, athome feeling in a pill’.
20-October-2018/28-October-2018 – Dutch Design Week 2018 at ‘Manifestations’ in the Veem building Eindhoven with ‘NeoBio, a vision on the influence of biotech on productdesign’.
22 -July-2018/26-July-2018 – Fairygarden Castricum. ‘Jellyfish’, commisioned work. (collection of 7 jellyfish) Purchased by ‘ArtKid’.
22-June-2018/24-June-2018 – Groupexhibition ‘Collage’ as participant of artgroup ‘de Mix’ with ‘BioWatch’ and ‘MicroBio vases’.
1-June-2018/2-June-2018 – Kunstfietsroute Castricum. Teahouse gallery of the ‘Tuin van Kapitein Rommel’ with ‘NeoBio, collagepaintings’ en ‘MicroBio vases’.
3-May-2018/5-May-2018 – PRIMER2018 Conference exhibition, David Brower Center in Berkeley, California. With ‘BioTronicols’ and ‘TeethMussel’.
30-March-2018/8-April-2018 – BioArt Week at Pakhuis Dekker in Heiloo. SOLO exhibition met ‘BioArt, a vision on biotech’ en ‘NeoBio’.
23-March-2017/6-May-2017 – Kunststation Delden. ‘BioArt, a vision on biotech’. SOLO exhibition.
4-June-2016/5-June-2016 – Kunstfietsroute Castricum. ‘BioArt, a vision on biotech’ in gallery ‘Dorpsstraat 23’, Castricum.
2-June-2017/20-July-2017 – Teahouse gallery ‘Tuin van Kapitein Rommel in Castricum’. SOLO exposition with‘ KOM (Enter ) in to their world ‘demention understood from within ‘ a minicourse informal care in artobjects.
Nicole Spit is co-lead of Speculative Futures Amsterdam. The Amsterdam region chapter of the global Speculative Futures community.